Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Freestyle Repertory Theatre- Family Matinees

This week, we performed TheatreSports at The Gallery Players theatre in Brooklyn. Freestyle Repertory Theatre loves to do these family shows, because they are different EVERYTIME, and we get to use the audience. There's a great feeling for collaboration between the families and the company, and we always have a great time:

Join our mailing list, and come out to see us!

Friday, September 24, 2010

I re-cut the promo video...

After a brainstorming Breakfast, we decide to re-cut the video, make a separate "unofficial" website, and really start looking for people who will enjoy our shows. Watch the new video, and see the new site:

And CLICK HERE or on the Light bulb on the right to see the new site!

Backstage before a show...

Bones took this video right before our show... see how professional he is?